Saturday, 18 May 2013

I do not fear what is to come, but what has already been.

Yesterday, I've been informed, was Trans* awareness day. Seems strange, since for me Trans* Awareness Week was in Bournemouth back in February or something. I literally missed it by two weeks when I got settled into Over The Rainbow.

Yesterday, I finished my AS English Literature exam. The first part of the paper was literally unlike anything ever in the paper, and we've been through all of them, so that was painful. I managed to make links and do all that was required, but it was not as good as it could have been. We were all very unprepared.

Part two, however, was a question we'd actually done last week. So that was easy.

Today, I met up with a best friend and someone I haven't seen for a while. We got crap food and went to my mate's house because his family are out of town and we wanted to watch movies. We've gone through A Very Potter Musical, and then the person I haven't met for a while, who I'll name Coulson, admitted she hasn't seen half of the latest half of season 7 of Doctor Who. My mate's internet was fucked up, so we could only show her last week's episode.

The finale was very painful, and emotional, and I'm not going to talk about it because Moony reads this and she hasn't seen it yet. But Coulson was a complete wreck from beginning to end. Literally. It was a bit endearing, really. We were all screaming, shouting and pointing at the screen. I despair for anyone living in surrounding houses.

I feel like I have important things to say, but I don't really.

I'm two exams down, three to go. Two Critical Thinking exams that I should be revising for, and an English exam that I rock at. I don't need to revise that much because English is something I'm fairly good at.

Now we're chilling out on the couch, with Coulson and my mate playing Black Ops - Coulson is badass, as expected from the name - and I'm tumbling/reading Autostraddle/writing this. It's a nice friendship we have here, and something I've come to appreciate.

I'm beginning to feel a little wary about my exams, though. Not the ones to come, the ones that have already been. I am going to move to Uni no matter what grade I get, but if I'm not able to get into Brighton I don't know what I'm going to do.

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