Saturday, 28 July 2012

I may not know what I'm doing but I know I'm doing it.

This blog's main purpose is to work as a soundboard for my thoughts. I've identified as Trans* for a while now and some friends of mine used the term genderfucked to describe themselves, which works perfectly for me. I'm not entirely sure of exactly who I am, so I intend to work it out here.

Sam Hall isn't my given name, and by no means is it the one I plan to stick with. It's merely a working title, so to speak. I see myself as neither completely female nor entirely male, so a gender-neutral name is best for me. Sam is not only the name of a character I base on myself, but it's also the name of some characters I admire greatly. Hall has no meaning, since the original idea was to get the initials SH after Sherlock Holmes, my hero. I'm partial to Adric, after a Doctor Who companion I adore, but it's all just speculation for now.

I'm asexual, and since realising my true identity have had one girlfriend who I introduced myself to with both my given and chosen name, and, while instantly accepting my new preferences, she didn't quite see my asexuality as a good thing or something she could work with, so we had to part ways.

I do, however, have a long lasting and fantastic relationship with my new partner, who only recently learnt about my identity and originally assumed I was a boy until I was forced to give my name due to the event we were attending, which was ideal since I was partly seeing myself as one at the time. She wholeheartedly accepts who I am and is proud of me no matter what I choose to do with my gender or life, and having her to support me was the basis of this blog.

Overall, I consider myself a transgender asexual who loves based on feelings and interest rather than gender and attraction, So now all of that is out of the way, I can get down to business and keep my thoughts tracked on here.

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