For the past few years, I've made a valiant effort, or considered, doing NaNoWriMo or Script Frenzy.
The main goal is either 50,000 words in a month or 100 pages of Script respectively, usually in November/August or April.
This year, I won't be able to take part in National Novel Writing Month due to coursework and all those 17-year old problems relating to school and stress. But my best friend wants to write his novel, and he doesn't know if he'll have too much time with work and sleeping in November.
The whole point of writing in November, usually, is to create a feeling that there are thousands doing this, and it isn't just you struggling through the daily word count. You get pep talks, you can talk to other people and join forums.
But Ivan didn't really get to the word count last year because of various reasons, and that's obviously fine. The main thing that kept him going was that I was powering through, too. Now, I really want to read this story he has planned this year, and he wants to do it in October so he's still psyched for it and has the enthusiasm, so I've made a compromise.
Each day in October, I'm going to write a blog post on here. They'll never be as long as the NaNo daily count (1667 or something, in November) but they'll be there. This'll work as a form of encouragement because at least I'm still writing.
I really think this could be good idea, not just because I really want to read about a Chess/Star Trek Mirror!Verse crossover.
Writing on my blog is a kind of therapeutic, since I haven't spoken to my therapist in several months and this doesn't cost me money I can barely get together. It seems like a good practice to write on here every day. Even if it's just a few lines about how my coursework is doing. Though all things considered, I have a couple of themed posts I'd like a reason to work on.
So this is my sign that I want to do this, I want to do something productive that isn't totally pressing and important, and I want to read that fic, Ivan. This is my sign that will hopefully get me to do it because now it's out there, and I don't want to look like an idiot by not finishing what I start.
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