Friday, 28 December 2012

Holiday Parents.

I just stumbled across this site.

And it is fantastic. 40 mums, dad, families have recorded or written messages to support Trans* kids, or anyone in the LGBTQ community that don't have supportive families. I've cried over each and every one that I have listened to or read, and it's such a strong confidence and love boost.

These people give their time to adopt you for the day and welcome you into their homes. They all say how you're always welcome and you matter to them; they'll be thinking of you these holidays, and it's just amazing. If you're feeling a little down, just go listen to one of these, and you'll instantly feel better about yourself and a little more hopeful.

That's all I have to share today. That, and the fact that it's making me want to go and out myself again. Maybe once my parents aren't so ill. I expect I'll end up yelling anyway.

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